

"I Linked, I Lanked, therefore I have Lunked"  author unknown, from ancient html text


Bizarre control panel - http://freeweb.pdq.net/headstrong/control.htm
Citizen's Self-Arrest Form - http://www.ou.edu/oupd/selfarr2.htm
Dan Heller's Photos of People of Burkina Faso - http://www.danheller.com/burkina-people.html
http--www.easy-files.com-images-easyfiles_16.gif - http://www.easy-files.com/images/easyfiles_16.gif
http--www.snapnames.com-images-home_lockbelow.jpg - http://www.snapnames.com/images/home_lockbelow.jpg
Intel Web Applets - http://www.intel.com/english/home/funstuff/webapplets/pix/webfab.gif
MSN - http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/redir.dll?prd=ie&pver=5.0&ar=IStart
Radio Station Guide - http://www.microsoft.com/isar=Media&sba=RadioBar&o1=&o2=&o3=
Self-Arrest - http://www.police.sbc.edu/Arrest1.htm
The official U.S. time - http://www.time.gov/
Tutorials & Code Snips - 411ASP.NET - http://www.411asp.net/home/tutorial
Web Events - http://www.microsoft.com/isapi/r3=


Africana.com Article Burkina Faso - http://www.africana.com/tt_201.htm
Burkina - HISTORY - http://www.africanet.com/africanet/country/burkina/history.htm
Burkina Faso - Consular Information Sheet - http://travel.state.gov/burkina_faso.html
Burkina Faso General Guide - http://www.gates96.com/cam/africa/Burkina%20Faso/general.html
Burkina Faso Page - http://www.sas.upenn.edu/African_Studies/Country_Specific/Burkina.html
Burkina Faso - http://www.lifeinafrica.com/dreams/photos/burkina/index.htm
Country Studies Area Handbook Series (Library of Congress - Federal Research Division) - http://lcweb2.loc.gov/frd/cs/cshome.html
dogon niger lobi - http://www.dogon-lobi.ch/
embassy.org the Electronic Embassy - http://www.embassy.org/
Ethnologue Burkina Faso - http://www.sil.org/ethnologue/countries/Burk.html
Ethnologue Maps Burkina Faso - http://www.sil.org/ethnologue/maps/Burk.html
http--www.elitehost.com-virtual-newsup-pages-13.htm - http://www.elitehost.com/virtual/newsup/pages/13.htm
http--www.lifeinafrica.com-dreams-photos-burkina-village.htm - http://www.lifeinafrica.com/dreams/photos/burkina/village.htm
Map Collection - World Sites Atlas - http://www.sitesatlas.com/Maps/index.htm
Maps of Africa - http://www.lib.utexas.edu/Libs/PCL/Map_collection/africa.html
MediaBuilder's Free Animated Gif Library Flags Poles, Nations Oz, South Africa Spain Full - http://www.animfactory.com/af_flags_poles_nations_oz_page_aq.html
Michael Kevane Academic Papers - http://lsb.scu.edu/%7Emkevane/mkpapers.htm
Open Directory Project - World Sites Atlas - http://www.sitesatlas.com/cgi-bin/pod/pod.cgi?dir=/Regional/Africa/Burkina_Faso/
Welcome! - http://www.embassy.org/images/head_smaller_01b.gif


2eNetWorX - OpenSource ASP and VB Projects Development - http://www.2enetworx.com/dev/index.asp
4GuysFromRolla.com - http://www.4guysfromrolla.com/
Access Reports on the Web - Stupid VB Tricks - http://accesshelp.net/survival/reportaccasp.asp
An ASP Tutorial to create your own News Letter - http://www.stardeveloper.com/asp_newsletter_1.asp
ASP 101 - Active Server Pages 101 - http://www.asp101.com/
ASP 101 - Resources - Home - http://asp101.aspin.com/
ASP 101 - Samples Index - http://www.asp101.com/samples/index.asp
ASP Free.com All Live Demos on ASPFree.com - http://www.aspfree.com/demos.asp
ASP Resource Index - Find ASP tutorials, scripts, code and more. - http://www.aspin.com/
ASPCode article index -
ASPCode Greetings - http://greeting.aspcode.net/funnypostcards/
ASPToday - http://www.asptoday.com/infoiGJ4DI
Autoresponders - Aspin.com - http://www.aspin.com/home/webapps/email/autoresp
Big-boys.com - The Web Development Resource - http://www.big-boys.com/
ConnectionString.com Programming in ASP - http://www.connectionstring.com/asphome/default.asp
Cost Effective Web Solutions - http://www.smartwebby.com/rates.asp
DEMOS AspReferences.Com - http://www.aspreferences.com/Applications/demos.asp
Developer's Paradise Inside Techniques By Task - http://www.siteexperts.com/paradise/getList.asp?res=Inside+Technique&type=Task
How to recommend your site - http://coveryourasp.com/HowToRecommend.asp
http--www.webcortex.com-site2000-images-hosting_head.gif - http://www.webcortex.com/site2000/images/hosting_head.gif
My Site News - http://www.compulsive.co.uk/media/v3demo/default.asp
Projects - http://aspcode.net/projects/sendmail/useit.asp
Resources - Applications - http://www.aspin.com/home/webapps?cob=freeaspcode
Resources - Home - http://www.aspin.com/home?cob=freeaspcode
SmartWin Technology -- CyberBuild - http://www.smartwin.com.au/cyberbuild.htm
The Code Project - Universal Table Editor - Active Server Pages - http://www.codeproject.com/asp/ute.asp
Tutorials & Code Snips - 411ASP.NET - http://www.411asp.net/home/tutorial
Ultimate News - http://www.compulsive.co.uk/media/ultimate/lite.asp
WDVL ASP - http://www.stars.com/Authoring/ASP/
Webcortex Company Store - http://www.newyorkstores.com/stores_app/store.asp?Store_id=125&page_id=5
Welcome to internet.com's ASP Resources Channel - http://www.internet.com/sections/asp.html
Welcome to metalinks.com - http://metalinks.com/


 CodeCharge - Welcome!  - http://www.codecharge.com/index2.php
(rep'ruh'zent) - Streaming Audio for the New Millenium - http://www.repruhzent.com/bottom2.html
About Us - http://web-design-2001.com/newsletter.htm
Advanced screen capture software and AVI video capture & editor software. Free trial downloads! - http://www.techsmith.com/default.asp
affiliates - http://www.charge.com/affiliates.shtml?char1206
Analog WWW logfile analysis - http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~sret1/analog/
ask dr. tech - http://www.askdrtech.com/?isite=wc04301
Barnes Business $olutions - http://barnesbusiness.com/
Blackboard - Bringing Education Online - http://www.blackboard.com/
Blaiz Enterprises - Free Software - http://blaizfre.hypermart.net/HOME.HTM
Bookmarklets Home Page - free tools for power surfing - http://www.bookmarklets.com/
Brush Systems Group. Co-brand FirstStop Web Search - http://www.brushgroup.com/ws/cobrand.html
CertMag.com May 2001 - http://www.certmag.com/issues/may01/
ChargeCart Ordering System - http://www.governmentgrant.com/cgi-bin/cart.pl?ID=AF-98485961
Computer training and e-Learning courses! - http://training.commkey.net/dpec/webpromo/default.htm
Diagnostic Solution Guide for Windows 2000 & Windows NT - http://dsg.rte.microsoft.com/
Digital Integrity Search - http://www.findsame.com/
Dual Monitors - http://www.hereontheweb.com/dual/
DV.COM How To Motion Graphics - http://www.dv.com/magazine/2001/0301/meyer0301.html
Dynamic Solutions 2000 - http://www.ds2000.net/
eScribe - The Mailing List Archive - http://www.escribe.com/
Favorites Cleaner Download - IE5 Addon - http://wettberg.home.texas.net/favcleaner.htm
Finding your latitude and longitude - http://www.ckdhr.com/dns-loc/finding.html
FixWindows.com - More Tech Support - http://www.fixwindows.com/techsupp.htm
Free Lockergnome Calendar - Year 2001 Desktop Calendar - http://home.wnm.net/~debi/lockergnome.htm
Free-CDSoftware.com Link 2 Us - http://www.free-cdsoftware.com/cgi-bin/hazel.cgi?action=serve&item=affiliate.html
FreeTechMail.org, a search engine for IT newsletters - http://www.freetechmail.org/
GAMH - Lyrics - http://www.gamh.cx/lyrics/index.html
Gliftic - Graphics Design with Ease - http://www.gliftic.com/
Global DIVX - www.gdivx.com - http://www.gdivx.com/trailers.php
GovCon's BidRadar Service - http://www.bidradar.com/resources/
Guide to Grammar and Writing - http://ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/
https--www.freeworks.com-DeFault.aspSRC=iradvcnews - https://www.freeworks.com/DeFault.asp?SRC=iradvcnews
http--www.cinemapop.com-kw_header.jpg - http://www.cinemapop.com/kw_header.jpg
http--www.dvdit.com-images-sonic_fd_07.gif - http://www.dvdit.com/images/sonic_fd_07.gif
http--www.geocities.com-SiliconValley-lakes-8620-vm.gif - http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/lakes/8620/vm.gif
http--www.nomonthlyfees.com-copy_of_nmfmast_r1_c1.gif - http://www.nomonthlyfees.com/copy_of_nmfmast_r1_c1.gif
http--www.qnetwork.com-home1 - http://www.qnetwork.com/home1
http--www.screamdesign.com-images-blank.gif - http://www.screamdesign.com/images/blank.gif
Ikonboard - The True Community Builder - http://www.ikondiscussion.com/ikonboard/
Insane Tools - http://www.insanetools.com/nav.htm
International Business Opportunity - http://www.forgettomorrow.com/
Internet and productivity software and shareware - Iolo Technologies - Macro Magic, System Mechanic, Download Assistant - http://www.iolo.com/macromagic/mainframe.htm
Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) - InfiniSource, Inc. - http://www.infinisource.com/techfiles/ics.html
Internet Marketing Index - 250+ famous marketing tools resources and products - http://www.internetmarketingindex.com/
Internet Tips and Secrets for enjoyment and profit - http://www.internet-tips.net/
ITTutor IT Training. - http://www.ittutor.com/exchtrain/default.asp
JCK Design - http://jckdesign.cjb.net/
Make Web music better with Beatnik - Web Building - CNET.com - http://builder.cnet.com/webbuilding/0-3883-8-5008683-1.html
Make-a-Store - http://www.make-a-store.com/
Making Sales At Gunpoint - http://www.enlowcircle.com/cgi-bin/y/d.cgi?gunpoint-
Mike Enlow Masters of Marketing - Joint Venture Marketing Society - http://www.enlowcircle.com/go/1103/
MindLeaders e-Learning that works. - http://www.mindleaders.com/
MP3.com - Three Dead Trolls in a Baggie - http://artists.mp3s.com/artists/37/three_dead_trolls_in_a_bag.html
NBCiSearch & FindComputingInternetWeb DevelopmentDesign - http://home.nbci.com/directory/category/0,16,-50921,00.html
New Today - http://www.nonags.com/nonags/z-wnf.html
OneGreatFamily.com - It's All About Relationships - http://www.onegreatfamily.com/
Online Shopping at CyberRebate! - http://www.cyberrebate.com/catalog/affiliatesHHU7X74
OpenWebScope Homepage - Web Statistics Software - http://openwebscope.com/Default.asp
PCShowAndTell - http://www.pcshowandtell.com/search.asp?
POI Points Of Interest - http://www.poi.cc/steph/steph3_1.html
Popularity FREE [ineedhits.com] How popular is your website - http://www.ineedhits.com/free/popularity/
Pork to Bacon Software - http://www.fox10050.freeserve.co.uk/pork2bacon.html
PortalCube - http://www.portalcube.com/
PowerPoint 2000 Add-in Photo Album Add-in Program - http://office.microsoft.com/downloads/2000/album.aspx
Recipes of the Week - http://seasianfood.about.com/food/seasianfood/library/weekly/blrecipe1.htm
Repligator - Graphics Effects With Ease - http://www.repligator.com/
SafeWeb Startpage - https://www.safeweb.com/
Sell websites domain names hosting and earn money being an ISP like AOL - http://www.home-businesses.com/
SitePoint Watchfire - http://www.sitepoint.com/free/link-bot.php
SurfSaver Software - Download it today! - It's Free - http://www.surfsaver.com/
Technick.net (Technick.net) - http://www.technick.net/homepage.htm
TechTV Top 10 Must-Have Utilities - http://www.techtv.com/callforhelp/projects/story/0,23008,3310239,00.html
The .NET Show Archive - http://msdn.microsoft.com/theshow/Archive.asp
The Bran Flakes - http://www.thebranflakes.com/bran/sound.html
The Visual IRC Guide - http://www.visualirc.com/
The Web Robots Pages - http://www.robotstxt.org/wc/robots.html
The Womb - Intro - http://www.thewomb.com/wombintro.php
The WWW Security FAQ - http://www.w3.org/Security/Faq/www-security-faq.html
top frame - http://www.infacta.com/top.htm
Top-flight Web strategy - Web Building - CNET.com - http://www.cnet.com/webbuilding/0-3885-8-4683557-4.html
TRaceRT - Setup a Measurement point (Agent) on your server - http://www.tracert.com/en/agents.html
UK Web Design Association - UKWDA - -default.asp - http://www.ukwda.org/
UK Web Design Association - UKWDA - -validator.asp - http://www.ukwda.org/validator.asp
W3C CSS Validation Service - http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/
W3Schools Online Web Tutorials - http://www.w3schools.com/
Welcome On Micronline.com - http://www.micronline.com/
Welcome to Mind-it - http://www.mindit.netmind.com/
Welcome to Qcheck! - http://www.qcheck.net/
Welcome to Quickbrowse - http://www.quickbrowse.com/
Who We Are - http://www.myprimetime.com/misc/who.shtml?v=625&p=1716
Winmag.com Power Tools Burn Autorun Onto Your CDs 02-06-01 - http://www.winmag.com/columns/powertools/2001/06.htm
Woodstone Computer Consulting, Inc. - http://www.woodstone.nu/salive/
Yale Style Manual-Table of Contents - http://info.med.yale.edu/caim/manual/
YANKEE CLIPPER - http://www.yankee-clipper.net/index.htm
Zeus 1000 Internet Marketing Robot - http://www.cyber-robotics.com/


Big Pond Direct Traceroute Utility - http://www.telstra.net/cgi-bin/trace?
BUILDER.COM - Web servers - Maximum Apache - Configure Apache - http://www.builder.com/Servers/Apache/ss02.html
CGIWrap - http://cgiwrap.unixtools.org/
HTML Author's Guide to the Robots META tag - http://www.robotstxt.org/wc/meta-user.html
http--althepal.com-images-menu_bars_low.gif - http://althepal.com/images/menu_bars_low.gif
Idyle Software Host Monitor - http://www.idyle.com/software/internet/host-monitor/index.html
ImageFolio - Frequently Asked Questions - http://www.imagefolio.com/faqs/
Online training course directory computer-related full online training courses - http://www.2globalmart.com/free-online-training-courses.html
Password Generator - http://www.ucs.twu.ca/Resources/password.htm
Preventing Image 'Theft' - http://apache-server.com/tutorials/ATimage-theft.html
Script Locker - http://www.scriptlocker.com/directory/perl/logging_accesses_and_statistics/
Securing Your Web Pages with Apache - http://apache-server.com/tutorials/LPauth1.html
SSH - Products - SSH Secure Shell - http://www.ssh.com/products/ssh/
the Unofficial MRTG FAQ - http://faq.mrtg.org/
UNIXhelp for users - http://www.dorsai.org/help/unix/UNIXhelp/index.html
UNIXhelp Searchable Index - http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/unixhelp_search
VA Linux Systems SAMBA - http://valinux.com/software/samba.html
VisualRoute Server Dulles, Virginia, USA - http://visualroute.visualware.com/ess_web.html


Galls - Product Details - http://www.galls.com/shop/viewProductDetail.jsp?item=HS167+AMB
http--www.bri-online.com-_borders-bri_title.gif - http://www.bri-online.com/_borders/bri_title.gif
Internet Business Resources - http://www.mjswebularworld.com/
Lights - http://cascadefire.com/products/light%20intro/lightintro.htm
Lite Tracker 1 - http://www.wfrfire.com/website/lighting/hand/misc/tracker.htm
Netpedia -- Features -- Foundations of ASP - http://www.netpedia.com/features/asp/foundations/
open - http://www.kaigon.com/
VISI-FLARE- The Original Electronic Warning Flare - http://www.revainternational.com/visiflare/temp/vfundev.htm


AmbitionWeb Home Page - http://www.ambitionweb.com/index.htm
ASAP Utilities - Welcome - http://www.asap-utilities.com/main.htm
Award-winning Web Development and Ecommerce Solutions. NxTek Solutions Provides Turn-key Internet and Web Solutions for your Bu - http://www.nxtek.net/index2.asp
Family-Friendly Sites HomePage - http://www.virtuocity.com/family/
FlashBlaster - Flash Website Templates - http://www.freewebtemplates.com/odc/flashblaster/
FREE Online Training - http://www.mjswebularworld.com/training.htm
http--www.powergig.com-images-the_better_way_to_book_more_gigs.gif - http://www.powergig.com/images/the_better_way_to_book_more_gigs.gif
http--www.ralphtheroadie.com-ralph_home_images-tolex_right_sl.jpg - http://www.ralphtheroadie.com/ralph_home_images/tolex_right_sl.jpg
SE Secrets Affiliate Program - http://www.se-secrets.com/affiliates/main.html
warp - http://www.warp-i.com/warp2.htm
Woodstone Computer Consulting, Inc. - http://www.woodstone.nu/salive/
Zipwell Online - http://www.zipwell.com/


1800Wheelchair.com Wheelchairs, Scooters, Daily living aids, Senior Products, Medicare and Medicaid, free delivery anywhere i - http://www.1800wheelchair.com/des_01.asp?SaleItemID=582


CNET Builder.com - Web Business- Working the Web Is Your Salary Fair - http://www.builder.com/Business/SalariesII/ss01.html


4.1. DARPA Internet - http://pluto.iis.nsk.su/docs/bsd-4.3/named.html#4.1.
about dumpTRUCK! the batch URL submission tool for Macintosh and Windows - http://www.trafficstudio.com/dumptruck/about.htm
AccessFP - FrontPage Resource Centre with Ezine, List & Forum. - http://www.accessfp.net/
ACME License Maker - http://www.acme.com/licensemaker/licensemaker.cgi?state=Iowa&text=lkrgnom&plate=Current
Active Web Suite Technologies cgi scripts - A collection of cgi scripts for professional and free classified cgi scripts and ou - http://www.activewebsuite.com/index.htm
AddFreeStats - http://www.addfreestats.com/cgi-bin/newuser.cgi
ahref.com - a thang for web developers - http://www.ahref.com/
All the Major Search Resources on one page - http://www.fastboot.com/search_resource.html
Analog WWW logfile analysis - http://www.statslab.cam.ac.uk/~sret1/analog/
Ask Mr. DNS - http://www.acmebw.com/askmr.htm
ask pete! - free alienalchemy software - http://askpete.alienalchemy.com/v2/freeware.shtml
AskTogLiving Section - http://www.asktog.com/menus/livingMenu.html
Assist.com - Webmaster Resources - http://assist.com/links/themeindex.html
ATI Technologies Inc. - Special Drivers - http://www.ati.com/na/pages/spdrivers/drivers.html
Authentic! free search engine secrets naked truth exposed! - http://www.kaleidoscope-dts.com/secrets.html
AutoCGIMail v1.0 - http://www.tesol.net/scripts/MailStuf/MailStuf2.0/mailstuf.cgi
Bledsoe Telephone Cooperative's Home Page - http://www.bledsoe.net/bls/
BLOGVOICES - http://www.blogvoices.com/
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Brainbench - The Measure of Achievement - http://www.brainbench.com/xml/bb/common/testt3=7
CGI Script Installation Center - CGI Script Installations - http://cgi.defend.net/
Club Home Page - http://scbc.booksonline.com/cg1570
Co-Branded Solution - CommunityArchitect.com - http://communityarchitect.com/co-branded.htm
Computer training and e-Learning courses! - http://training.commkey.net/dpec/webpromo/default.htm
Databases - http://www.outfront.net/spooky/
Developers Network - http://www.developersnetwork.com/
DHTML menu builder for web site navigation. No DHTML or Javascript experience required for popup or drop down menu building! - http://www.likno.com/
Dia menu - http://www.lysator.liu.se/~alla/dia/menu.html
DNS documents - http://www.dns.net/dnsrd/docs/
DNS Wizard - How Does DNS Work - http://www.dnswiz.com/dnsworks.htm
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Dynamic Drive DHTML Scripts- Cross-Browser Ticker Tape Script - http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex2/tickertape.htm
EchoEcho.Com Tools - Pop Up Windows - http://www.echoecho.com/toolpopupgenerator.htm
EchoEcho.Com Tools - Tools - http://www.echoecho.com/tools.htm
eCom Resource Center - http://www.ecomresourcecenter.com/images/erc_logo_index.gif
ExtSearch - Link to the File Extension Search Engine - http://www.extsearch.com/
Find People At YBLost.com - The Directory of Directories - http://proagency.tripod.com/
FindArticles.com - Search Results for Martial Arts - http://www.findarticles.com/cf_0/PI/search.jhtml?magR=all+magazines&key=Martial+Arts
Fluid Dynamics AXS Site Tracking System - http://www.xav.com/scripts/axs/
Frank Condron's World O'Windows - Windows 2000 - http://www.worldowindows.com/win2000.asp
Free DNS service - Easy, web-based domain manager - ZoneEdit.com - http://www.zoneedit.com/
Free Meta Tag Generator - http://website.lineone.net/~wicedesign/metatags.html
FreeAnswers - http://www.freeanswers.com/
FrontPage Permissions and Subwebs - http://www.outfront.net/frontpagesubwebs.htm
FrontPage World - FrontPage 2000, FrontPage 10, FrontPage Training, FrontPage Books, Microsoft FrontPage, E-Commerce, Affiliate - http://www.frontpageworld.com/
FrontPageHowTo.com - Learn FrontPage - http://www.frontpagehowto.com/
GoGraph.com - http://www.gograph.com/
GUIStuff.com - Free Graphical User Interfaces - http://www.guistuff.com/
HeadlineSpot - Welcome to news nirvana. - http://www.headlinespot.com/
HeroMachine -- The Online Character Generator! - http://www.heromachine.com/
home networking and internet connection sharing sharing made easy - http://www.homenethelp.com/
HotScripts.com - http://www.hotscripts.com/
HTML Resources - http://www2.imagiware.com/toolchest/resources/
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http--www.digital-web.com-images-cover_chris_1.gif - http://www.digital-web.com/images/cover_chris_1.gif
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http--www2.imagiware.com-RxHTML-htdocs-single.html - http://www2.imagiware.com/RxHTML/htdocs/single.html
HYPE's Color Specifier for Netscape v.3 - http://users.rcn.com/giant.interport/COLOR/1ColorSpecifier.html
Internet Requests for Comments (RFC) - http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/information/rfc.html
Internet Traffic Report - http://www.internettrafficreport.com/cgi-bin/tr_chartpage.pl?
JavaScript FAQ - http://www.javascripter.net/faq/index.htm
Jimco's COM Add-ins - http://www.jimcoaddins.com/com.asp
Keyboard Shortcut Search - http://microsoft.com/enable/products/keyboard/keyboardsearch.asp
Lee Holmes' Secure Password Generator -
LinksManager.com - Features - http://linksmanager.com/features.html
Linux Firewall and Security Site - http://www.linux-firewall-tools.com/linux/
Members Online Manual - http://support-central.net/manual/ban-resell.htm
Microsoft FrontPage Web Developer Resources - http://www.microsoft.com/frontpage/fordevelopers.htm
Microsoft® Design Gallery Live Homepage - http://dgl.microsoft.com/mgo1en/home.asp
Mosaic User Authentication Tutorial - http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/docs/tutorials/user.html
MyBookmarks.com - Access your bookmarks online anytime, anywhere - http://www.mybookmarks.com/
Name Server Operations Guide for BIND - http://pluto.iis.nsk.su/docs/bsd-4.3/named.html
Navas Cable Modem-DSL Tuning Guide - http://cable-dsl.home.att.net/
NBCiSearch & FindComputingInternetWeb Development - http://home.nbci.com/directory/category/0,16,home-13092,00.html
Nero - Download - http://www.nero.com/download.htm
Network Computing The Internet Cookbook - http://www.nwc.com/netdesign/cook1.html
Office Spy - the Ultimate Office 2000 developer tool - http://www.dimastr.com/officespy/
Oneliner - http://www.stefan-pettersson.nu/scripts/oneliner/
Pinoy7 - Paint Shop Pro tips and tutorials - Page 1 - http://www.pinoy7.com/psptutorials/default.htm
Privacy Statement Wizard - http://www.etrust.com/wizard
Q162326 - Using TRACERT to Troubleshoot TCP-IP Problems in Windows NT - http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/articles/Q162/3/26.asp
rfc1035 - http://www.crynwr.com/rfc1035/rfc1035.html
Script Locker - http://www.scriptlocker.com/directory/perl/
Services & Tools - Bandwidth Meter - http://www.2wire.com/services/bandwidth.asp
Site Map - http://www.tomsterdam.com/sitemap.htm
SPINWAVE -- GIF and JPEG Compression and Optimization - http://www.spinwave.com/
Spyonit.com - http://www.spyonit.com/Home
StoreFront E-Commerce for Microsoft FrontPage - http://www.storefront.net/sf5/purchase.asp
SubPortal.com - providing web publishers with content, community and commerce to liven up and enhance their your website seamle - http://subportal.iboost.com/
Symantec Security Check - http://security1.norton.com/us/intro.asp?venid=sym&langid=us
The DLL Archive - http://solo.abac.com/dllarchive/
The Front Page Collection of SEARCH ENGINES & SITES - http://www.thefrontpage.com/search/
The more you learn, the more you are. - http://www.worldwidelearn.com/more.gif
The UltraTech® Knowledgebase Viewer - http://www.ultratech-llc.com/KB/
Triumph PC ONLINE - The Internet Leader for Style and Technology - http://www.triumphpc.com/
Viewable with Any Browser Campaign - http://www.anybrowser.org/campaign/
Virtual Plastic - News - http://www.nikkie-luuc.demon.nl/index.html
W3Schools Online Web Tutorials - http://www.w3schools.com/
Walter Miller's Home page -
Web Developer's Virtual Library Encyclopedia of Web Design Tutorials, Articles and Discussions - http://stars.com/
Welcome to internet.com - http://www.internet.com/sitemap-d.html
Welcome to internet.com's Internet Lists Channel - http://www.internet.com/sections/lists.html
Welcome to Mind-it - http://mindit.netmind.com/
Windows 2000 Step-by-Step Guides [Microsoft Windows 2000, walkthrough, step-by-step guide] - http://microsoft.com/windows2000/library/planning/walkthroughs/
Windows Security Guide - Random Password Generator - http://security.winguides.com/password.php
Winmag.com Explorer Time To Change Search Engines January 4, 2001 - http://www.winmag.com/columns/explorer/2001/01.htm
WWWScribe - Helping You Effectively Use the Internet & Web - http://www.wwwscribe.com/
ZD Developer Tag Library - http://www.zdnet.com/devhead/resources/tag_library/
ZDNet d e v e l o p e r How DNS Servers Work - http://www.zdnet.com/devhead/stories/articles/0,4413,1600861,00.html
ZDNet Developer -- Link Check - http://www.netmechanic.com/cobrands/zdnet/linkcheck/
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FrontPage Stuff - http://www.frontpagestuff.com/
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Jimco's FrontPage Resources - http://www.jimcoaddins.com/resrc.htm
Qcheck Vs. Ping - http://www.qcheck.net/whyqcheck.html
SentThere - http://www.sentthere.com/
Software - http://thompsonresidence.com/tjt/software.html


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Databases - http://www.outfront.net/spooky/
Downloads index - http://www.imint.com/downloads/download.htm
Dynamic Drive DHTML Scripts- Cross-Browser Ticker Tape Script - http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex2/tickertape.htm
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HTMLDirectory Scripts Java - http://www.htmldirectory.com/Scripts/Java/
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Ikonboard v3.0 - http://www.ikonboard.com/
J Bots Plus 2000 - http://www.dwwd.com/graphics/addons/jbots.html
JavaScript Source Free JavaScripts, Tutorials, Example Code, Reference, Resources, And Help - http://javascript.internet.com/
JavaScript World -- Welcome! - http://www.jsworld.com/
Keeping robots, spiders and wanderers away from your site using robots.txt, meta tags and other methods -- Internet tip -- Is y - http://www.chami.com/tips/internet/010198I.html
Preferences - http://www.google.com/preferences?hl=en&prev=http://www.google.com/
Servlets - http://www.javashareware.com/CFScripts/jservlets.cfm
The CGI Collection - http://www.itm.com/cgicollection/index.cgi?page=8
The JavaScript Source Code Generators Countdown Creator - http://javascript.internet.com/generators/countdown-creator.html
Virtual Max's Cafe - http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/lakes/8620/
W3C HTML Validation Service - http://validator.w3.org/
Welcome to ATPmail - http://althepal.com/
Welcome to the DevPower Web Site - http://www.devpower.com/


DV.COM How To - http://www.dv.com/howto/
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Jezebel's Intro - http://www.jezebel.com/intro-3.shtml
MediaBuilder - http://www.mediabuilder.com/
Nebulus Designs - Free web graphics, javascript, discussion forums, and graphics tutorials - http://www.nebulus.org/
RBC - VisiBone Webmaster's Color Lab - http://www.reallybig.com/visibone/lab/
RBC Lab Right - http://www.reallybig.com/visibone/lab/rbc_lab_right.html
Scrow's Icons - http://members.nbci.com/_XMCM/scrows/links.html
ShoeString's PictureDicer - http://www.ziplink.net/~shoestring/dicer01.htm
Snitz Forums - http://forum.snitz.com/archive/
The 216-Color Webmaster's Palette online - http://www.reallybig.com/resource.php3?catid=21&id=690


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CyberRadio2000.com's At Work Channels - http://www.cyberradio2000.com/dancehome.htm
PublicRadioFan.com - http://www.publicradiofan.com/
WebmasterBase - 'ReDesign' is not a Dirty Word - http://www.webmasterbase.com/article.php?aid=291


Apps.com - http://www.apps.com/
Bilbana - http://www.tv4.se/lattjo/kojan/bilbanan.asp
BLOGVOICES - http://www.blogvoices.com/
c2it by Citibank - https://www.c2it.com/
Cartoons Aren't Real! Ren and Stimpy In Review - http://www.awn.com/mag/issue5.12/5.12pages/goodmanrenstimpy.php3
Dr. Hect - AstroJoe - http://www.astrojoe.com/show/drhect.html
eMoneyMail powered by Bank One - https://www.emoneymail.com/Default.asp?WCI=Home&cell=
Find CGI Programs - http://www.formresources.coFind%20Free%20Java%20Applets.html
FlamingText.com Free online tool for generating custom webpage graphics and animations. - http://www.flamingtext.com/
Flash Arcade Games Index - http://www.flasharcade.com/index.html
Funny postcards! - http://greeting.aspcode.net/funnypostcards/showcard1.asp?fldAuto=217
Geekball Pinball for Pinheads - http://www.boutell.com/geekball/
I can Dance if I want to! - http://www.users.qwest.net/~andersonandrew/
Ingava - http://freegamesweb.ingava.com/action/verado/
IWA Official Member Resources International Webmasters Association -- Leading Education and Certification Body for Web Profess - http://www.iwanet.org/member/
Jam-O-Mater - http://www.rockschool.com/Activities/JamOMater/JamOMater.html
PC911 - Friendly Computer Help In Plain English - http://www.pcnineoneone.com/tweaks/scripts8.html
Qarbon ViewletLibrary - http://www.qarbon.com/viewletlibrary/
Reftools - Internet Reference Tools & Calculators - http://www.reftools.com/
Script Locker - http://www.scriptlocker.com/directory/perl/
sodaplay - http://www.sodaplay.com/
TechnoSphere 4.01 Index - http://www.technosphere.org.uk/
The official U.S. time - http://www.time.gov/
Web Building - CNET.com - http://builder.cnet.com/
Web Pages That Suck -- learn usability and good Web design by looking at bad design - http://www.webpagesthatsuck.com/
Webmaster Tips Newsletter - http://www.netmechanic.com/news/


Anybirthday.com Birthdate Search Engine - http://www.anybirthday.com/
Complete search engines list - AllSearchEngines.Com(sm) - http://allsearchengines.com/complete.html
Digital Integrity Search Side-by-Side Header - http://www.findsame.com/sbstop.html
Electronic Commerce Navigator - http://www.acq.osd.mil/jecpo/navigator/index.htm
Free Chinese dictionary - http://www.euroasiasoftware.com/english/chinese/dictionary/ml
Googley.com - Search Engine - http://www.googley.com/cgibin/search.cgi
Gopher Hole - Search Engines and Software - http://www.internet-gopher.com/toolkit/searchin.htm
Researchville Today's News - http://www.researchville.com/
UNIXhelp Searchable Index - http://unixhelp.ed.ac.uk/CGI/unixhelp_search


Managing Users - http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/docs/setup/admin/UserManagement.html
Mosaic User Authentication Tutorial - http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/docs/tutorials/user.html
NCSA HTTPd Library - http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/docs/Library.html
NCSA HTTPd Security Tutorial General Info - http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/docs/tutorials/security.html
Protocols - http://netgroup-serv.polito.it/analyzer/protocols/default.htm
The Apache Software Foundation - http://www.apache.org/


Atlant Pro - Powerful Classifed Ads Script with MySQL Database and E-commerce Solution. - http://www.atlantpro.com/
AutoGallery - http://www.designingthenet.com/autogallery.htm
CGI Programming 101 - Learn CGI Today! - http://www.cgi101.com/class/
Mike's Scripts - http://www.mikespice.com/perl/

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